Thursday, 27 January 2011

Life is about choices

From day one I have taught my kids that life is about choices.  Our destination, where we end up, where we are now is all down to the  choices we make on a daily basis - to take responsibility for where we are is in itself extremely empowering.  If we believe that that someone else is responsible, believe that we had 'no choice' that leads to a feeling of hopelessness, and things are only hopeless if you choose to believe that.  So if you have started this year not feeling great about where you are - take an honest evaluation of the choices you have made, accept that maybe all those choices might not have been the best ones and you are already on the road to a better life.  You can choose to make better choices right now!

If you have come across something in life that you believe can work for you, something that will take you nearer to your dreams and goals, make a choice to grab it with both hands.  Don't let friends, family or guys down the pub or club tell you it can't be done - what they are actually saying to you is they don't have the belief that they can do 'it'.  You aren't them.  Have courage - make life happen for you. 

I came across this clip from Will Smith recently.  Enspiring words:

My wish for you is that you truly live in and enjoy the choices you make.  I hope every one takes you closer to that which will make you happy and your life fulfilled. 

Make life magical.  Have a great Day

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